Centralised platform for Youth activities in borough

There are many acitivities available to our youth, the problem is many parents don't know about them or how to access them. It is usually through word of mouth or the individual trusts/organisation advertising locally. It would be ideal to have a platform on RBKC website that allows services to share their timetables/activities and details so that parents can go to one place to find out what is available, when and how to book.

For example, there are many places that offer football for the youth but on this centralised system a parent could search "football" and it will give them a list of all organisations/individuals who run football and how they can join.

Why the contribution is important

This will allow parents to see all that is avaiable for the youth in the borough in a quick search.

by DalgarnoYouth on July 05, 2022 at 11:23AM

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